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Professional work and collaborations

Below are the some of the projects that I have been involved with in recent years. To see a more extensive list of my work, please see my CV.

Sad Happiness: Cinthya's Transborder Journey (2015)


I am a co-producer and editor of this ethnographic documentary which highlights the struggles and lives of citizen children of undocummented parents. This film broadly documents the realities of how our broken immigration system affects millions of children and their families who are separated by the U.S.-Mexican border. Told through the eyes of a eleven year-old girl, Cinthya, born in Portland, Oregon, the film shows a perspective of what it is like to be a young girl of undocummented parents.

Labor Education and Research Center (2014)


Collaboration with the documentation of the occupational culture of home care workers in the state of Oregon. This proejct will be deposited and preserved by the Library of Congress. Project supported by Archie Green Fellowship.

Center for the Study of Women in Society Annual Review (2014)


Article about the producing the film "Agents of Change", a history of academic feminists at the University of Oregon who fought to establish the Center for the Study of Women in Society (CSWS).  Read the article in the CSWS Annual Review Collaborative Research section by clicking HERE.

NEH Summer Institute for School Teachers (2014)


Summer Institute in Oaxaca, Mexico, carried out during the month of July 2014. I collaborated on discussions and brainstorming session with teachers during the week that covered "Mesoamerican histories through film." In particular, helped teachers think about how to craft their own films about life in Oaxaca, Mexico, and talked about how to construct and make educational documentary shorts. 

Special Collections and University Archives (2013-2014)


I worked on the arrangment, processing of the bilingual Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United) collection. The collection contains an extensive array of correspondence, newsletters, publications, photographs, newspaper clippings, audio recordings, and other materials that provide great insights to the history of the largest labor union and Latino organization in the state of Oregon.


I also produced the library finding aid for this collection that is found at the Northwest Digital Archives (NWDA). To view, follow this link: Guide to PCUN records (1962-2012).

Latino Roots website and digital Archive (2011-2013)


I helped develop the current Latino Roots website that supports the course needs. It contains materials about the history of Latino's in Oregon (both of Lane County and around the state), and the student projects that have been produced over the years. Link to the website: Latino Roots in Oregon.


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